Spiritual Attunement + Soul Alignment
together we can expand self-compassion & redefine spirituality
I am passionate about working with BIWOC & queer BIPOC looking for connection with the divine/spiritual outside of traditional religious spaces.
1:1 Readings
Spiritual Direction
Heart-Mind Alignment
Grief + Loss
Group Work
Core Values of My Practice
Everyone has divine light within them.
What is divine light?
Inherent worth; dignity; deserving of love; interconnection to something (love, light, warmth) greater than ourselves that we can’t see but we can feel.
I (we) are guided by intuition.
I know what it feels like when my energy is aligned with spirit/god/universe because I have spent time getting to know spirit and getting to know myself; I pay attention to what I feel somatically—chills, warmth, heaviness, aches.
I use this body-spirit knowledge to inform what and how to communicate with you.
Our liberation is entangled. We are all connected, & we belong to each other.
None of us are free until we’re all free. Part of getting free is committing to our own healing work. Decolonizing and dismantling systems of patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism, and colonialism is a process of undoing the hurtful myths we have been told about ourselves.
Liberation from these systems of control benefits everyone—including those who seemingly “benefit” from these systems. This work is for everyone.
Our divine ancestor Assata Shakur calls us in, “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
Prioritizing wisdom of our bodies, our intuition, our ancestors, and our earth teachers (plants, water, wind, animals, etc.)
What does ease feel like in your body? How do you ground yourself? What do you do that helps you feel restored?
It’s okay if you don’t know yet. We can explore together.
*informed by my training through Liberated Together
In sessions we slow down; listen to the wisdom of our bodies; let our nervous system settle and adjust; stop when we need to; cultivate safe + gentle space to stretch and explore…and if that feels too much, then to cultivate space to just be.
You are the expert of you.
I always listen first—to you + to spirit. You call the shots in our sessions.
I believe trust is sacred and it is earned.
I open the door, but its your choice to move through
I believe we all have agency in our lives.
I will invite you into new spiritual practices; I will guide you deeper into self-understanding; I will be a mirror for you, so you can witness your reflection.
But you get to choose your own healing journey + your timing.
“Without inner change, there can be no outer change. Without collective change, no change matters.”
- angel Kyodo williams